Tuesday 17 November 2009

Research on Music Magazines Double Page Spread

Textual Analysis Of a Double Page Spread from NME Magazine

Firstly, NME has chosen to interview a band called the "Teenagers" which will appeal greatly to their target audience as their target audience are the the teenage demographic.
NME has chosen to portray the teenagers as most modern day teenagers are today, ie relaxed, chilled and just having fun with life. The image that the magazine has used display's this message too. They have used the setting of a typical teenagers bedroom and have place the 3 band members in the front of the shot, laying on the bed, looking chilled and "cool". They are wearing modern and fashionable clothing, which too would appeal to the magazines target audience. NME has also stuck to common magazine conventions with the image, by keeping the dominate image on one side of the page an not overlaying it with too much texts. However one thing that does cover the photo, is the title. And this too is a convention of double page spreads. You will oftern find that in a double page spread there is a large title that stretchs across both pages to make it look dominant. NME also sticks to its colour theme. For the title, it uses large, bold, black text all in capitals inside a bright blue box which is put agaisnt the white background of the magazine. This has been done to make the title stand out and show its relivence. This colour scene is kept throught the whole double page spread except for one NME logo where red is used.
The artical itself is relitivly short. Because of this, NME decided that they would use a two coloum layout with a large quotation and a picture to break the text up and make it more readable. However in doing this, it left half a page blank which needed to be filled. So NME has placed a "What everyones talking about" section, and has filled it will other "gossip" on bands and artist. I have noted that this is a useful thing to do for my magazine if i am finding it hard to fill the space in my double page spread.

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