Friday 20 November 2009

Questionnaire for Music Magazine

1) How many magazines do you buy a week?
· None
· Just the one
· Between 2 and 5
· 5+

2) What type of magazines do you buy? (eg: cars, fashion etc)

3) How much do you usually spend on one magazine?
· Free
· Less than £2
· Between £2 - £5
· More than £5

4) What type of music do you prefer?

5) Is there a type of music that you just cant stand?

6) If we were to make a music magazine, could you name 3 things that you would want to see inside?

7) Do you prefer solo artists or bands?

8) If you could choose the magazine name would you call it:
A) Rebel
B) Vibe
C) Damage

9) What would you like the focus of the magazine to be?
A) The Music
B) The Artisits
C) The Fans
D) Other ............................................................................

10)Would you be more likely to buy the magazine if you saw a female or male on the front cover?

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