Thursday 12 November 2009

Meet the Focus Group

I have four good friends who have agreed to by my focus group. I will show them all my work and will ask for advice through-out the process of producing my music magazine. My four friends are:

Name : Ellie

Age : 17

ALevel Subjects being taken : Product Design, English Lang and Maths

Likes : Dancing, Going out with friends, and skiing

Dislikes: School

Media Usage : Likes to read "more" magazine, 1-2 hours of TV a night, Uses the internet every day for social networking and watching videos, also listens to music on Ipod.

Overview : Ellie is a good friend of mine as i value her opinion greatly. I think she will play a key rule in my focus group, especially as she is the type of person who does not hold anything back, she will say what she thinks. I'm sure she will prove very useful in the feedback process.

Name : Hannah

Age : 18

ALevel Subjects being taken : Media, Government Politics, Literature and Photography

Likes : Boys, Media, Fashion, Clubbing, Driving

Dislikes : Alcohol

Media Useage : "Thinking about it i used so much media each week! I love using the internet to shop and to socialise. Also i read a load of magazines! I like "more", "heat" etc. Ermm...I watch a load of a bit of a TV and film freek to be honest."

Overview : Hannah is a brilliant person to have on my focus group. Not only is she incredable at media, but she has also done this exact corse so can advise me on which routes to take and what I might be doing wrong.

Name : Jess

Age : 17

ALevel Subject : Media, Photography, Busniess and IT

Likes : Modeling, Friends, Going out, Swimming

Dislikes : Football and Spiders

Media Usage : Internet = 24/7 - Always on Facebook or Youtube,
TV = 1-2 Hours a night, but also likes to go to the cinema,
Magazines = Usually buys 1-2 magazines a week
Music = Does over 10,000 songs on her Ipod count???

Overview : Jess is a good friend of mine who loves both her magazines and her music. With a wide knowledge and variety in both, i am hoping she will be able to give me advice about the
content of my music magazine.

Name : Mike

Age : 18

Alevel Subjects being taken : Media, Business, IT

Likes : Drink, Friends, Raves, Footie, Business, Fifa

Dislikes : Arguements

Media Useage : About 5 hours a day on the internet, because he uses it often at school and after school. Likes watching TV and spends about 3-4 hours per day watching it. Reads magazines such as zoo and nuts. Often goes to the cinema but also likes watching DVD's at home.

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