Wednesday 2 December 2009

My Target Audience and Magazine Genre

Choosing and appealing to the right target audience is extremely important, due to the fact that my target audience are the people who will be purchasing my magazine and will therefore be my revenue. From my audience questionnaire, i am now able to see what my target audience wants in a music magazine and can use this information to put what they want into my magazine.
I plan to do this by making the magazine based on the Club, RnB and Chart side of the music industry. These three music genres were shown to be the most popular from my audience questionnaire. Yet, i have also noticed from my questionnaire that more of my audience are currently buying fashion magazines than any other magazine. I hope to use this fact and incorporate fashion into my magazine, by having the subjects who feature in my magazine, dressed in highly fashionable clothing, and also giving customers the chance to win fashionable prizes, such as an apple iphone.
Using my research i have seen the my target audience believes that my music magazine should incorporate music reviews and interviews with artist's / bands. I hope to use this fact by using the double page spread at a full length interview with a solo artist. I have chosen a solo artist due to the fact that my research also showed that my target audience likes to read about solo artists more than they do about bands.
Finally, like the audience want, i hope to focus the magazine simply on the music and its creators, ie the artists / bands.

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